Update COVID-19 : Management in Bali Province – Wednesday, 15th April 2020

The Provincial Government of Bali through the Daily Chair of the Bali Covid-19 Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Dewa Dewa Indra conveyed the progress of the handling of the Covid-19 virus in Bali Province at the Bali Provincial Office of Communication and Information, Renon, Denpasar on Wednesday (15/4) evening.

The man who also served as the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of the Province of Bali also conveyed the good news that 2 people had been declared cured after going through 2 PCR and SWAB tests. The two people have been tested negative for Covid-19 after two consecutive tests, and both of them have been allowed to go home. This result also means that cumulatively there are 23 people who have recovered.

Sekda Dewa Indra also reiterated that the stigma of PMI as a carrier of disease is wrong and must be corrected so that it does not cause wrong perspectives in society and discriminatory treatment against them. “There is a stigma that our brothers PMI are carriers of disease. This is not good and not true. Because they never know they have been infected or where they have been infected, “said Secretary Indra Dewa.

He also said, almost all of these PMI have carried out strict procedures at their place of work, get a health certificate and required a rapid test back at Ngurah Rai Airport. “So I beg all the Balinese people, don’t interpret this as if PMI are frightening people, rejection and even spread to their families to their villages. They all have followed the procedure well. They risk it is true, but the Bali Provincial Task Force carries out rigorous checks and conducts quarantine processes well and the results have recovered, “said Dewa Indra.


  1. The cumulative number of positive patients 98 consisted of 7 foreigners and 91 Indonesian citizens. (An additional 6 Indonesian citizens in the form of 2 imported PMI cases and 3 local transmitters and 1 person were investigated).
  2. Of the 91 positive Indonesians, 63 can be specified as imported cases, infected overseas and 13 infected in other areas. Whereas 13 people were local or infected in Bali or had contact with positive people in Bali. While there are 2 positives that are still being investigated, because the relevant person can not be ascertained where exactly he was infected.
  3. The number of patients who had recovered was 23 people (19 Indonesian citizens, 4 foreigners). (increased by 2 people).
  4. The number of patients who died was 2 people. (Not increased).
  5. The number of positive patients in care (active cases) was 73 people who were in 11 referral hospitals and were quarantined at Bapelkesmas.


  1. The number of positive numbers in Bali is still largely dominated by imported cases, whereas to date there are 13 cases of local transmission. This means there are still people who do not heed or make efforts to prevent COVID-19. Such as the use of masks, washing hands, physical distancing, and others. For that, once again, in suppressing the case of local transmission, the community must be aware and disciplined in making efforts to prevent this virus.
  2. In terms of the entrance of Bali, both the airport and the port, the government has made very strict prevention efforts against PMI and passengers coming from areas outside Bali. The steps taken by the government related to tight supervision at Ngurah Rai Airport are PMI and domestic passengers coming from areas that are infected then checking body temperature and rapid tests. If the results of the rapid tests at the airport show a positive sign, the Bali Provincial Government will immediately carry out the handling according to the applicable SOP. Whereas if the rapid test results are negative, the relevant parties will be picked up by the Regency / City Government to carry out quarantine prepared by the Regency / City Government in accordance with their respective policies. However, in the 8-day quarantine (this negative person) swap test was conducted and the results were positive.
  3. In addition to the airport, Gilimanuk Port also applies the same SOP, both for rapid tests and for checking body temperature. Until now there have not been found positive cases that enter through the port. If later a positive case is found then the person will be returned to their area of ​​origin.


  1. To break the chain of the spread of the Corona virus, it is necessary for all parties to continue with full discipline to use masks in the open, because the use of masks has two (2) functions. First, that is for those who are sick (coughing and flu), the spark / droplex will be held by a mask that causes the spark will not come out and hit other people. Second, the use of masks for healthy people will avoid (especially on the face of the nose, mouth and eyes) from the spark of other people.
  2. To avoid transmission of the Corona virus, we must be disciplined / diligent in washing hands using running water and soap. Because of the spread of viruses that attach to certain objects which we then touch and stick to the hands will more easily be washed away through soap and running water.
  3. Also avoid touching the face, especially the nose, mouth and eyes after touching certain objects and before washing hands. Because the three senses in our body will make it easier for the corona virus to enter the body.
  4. Two additional local transmissions means that we can be sure we do not appeal (use masks, wash hands, keep a distance, etc., red). So again, please follow the government’s call, including reducing activities outside the home unless it is very important.
  5. I ask the Head of the Bali Province Trade and Industry Office to call the supermarket, mall or supermarket association to appeal to them, to inform visitors to wear masks. It would be nice if the mall / supermarket is also preparing masks to be given to consumers who come without using masks.
  6. We have instructed all government agencies to continue to remind and urge the public to use masks. If you don’t bring a mask, try to help with a mask. This is part of an effort to socialize ways to prevent transmission, to prevent local transmission.
  7. If we are not disciplined, it is not impossible that local transmission will become more widespread.
  8. Community contribution and participation is very important because it is actually difficult for us to ensure that someone is carrying the Covid-19 virus, therefore protecting and protecting ourselves at a minimum by using a mask.
  9. Let’s always pray that Covid-19 will soon pass and conditions will recover quickly.


  1. It must be underlined that the Patient Under Supervision (PDP) does not mean a positive case. The cumulative number is currently 294 people and most have been tested with negative results.
  2. Regarding budget reallocation, the Province of Bali in the first phase has implemented this in the form of an unexpected expenditure of Rp. 15 Billion. Then the Bali Provincial Government will then re-allocate the budget, so that we have enough funds. One of them is to strengthen the referral hospital. We have conveyed everything to the Minister of the Interior. Then two days ago, the Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Finance issued a Joint Decree (SKB) emphasizing the reallocation of the budget to prepare funds for handling Covid-19, economic recovery to social safety nets. We, the Bali Provincial Budget Team have already conducted a sweeping, programs that cannot be implemented to allocate the budget to unexpected costs. So once again confirmed, we have already done the first stage of budget reallocation.
  3. So it must also be understood that there are 2 components of the APBD, revenue from the center and regional revenue. We have calculated the regional reallocation and refocusing. However, there is no information received from the center, anything that can be revised. We are given 2 weeks to follow up on the SKB. Moreover, the name of the budget revision is certainly not easy because even though the central government radically requests regional budget revisions. The Minister of Finance has also promised to inform the parts of the central government that can be revised in the near future. Indeed the procedure must have official information so that the region can revise the budget. This is still in process and ongoing.

This article is published in INFO CORONA BALI PROVINCE

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