Denpasar officials have confirmed that the recovery rate of Covid-19 cases in Bali keeps increasing. The Spokesman of the Denpasar Covid-19 Handling Task Force, I Dewa Gede Rai stated that the number of recoveries from Covid-19 cases in the city has recently shown positive results. According to the data, the number of recoveries have increased […]
Officials Confirm That Denpasar’s Recovery Rate For Covid-19 Has Reached 95%
Officials from the Denpasar city government have confirmed that the recovery rate of Covid-19 in Denpasar, Bali has reached 95.51% as of Tuesday (18/5). The Spokesman of the Denpasar Covid-19 Handling Task Force, I Dewa Gede Rai said that the recovery rate in Denpasar has increased, but he also stressed that people still need to […]