Singapore Airlines Postponed Plan To Re-Open Direct Flights With Bali

The plan to open direct flights between Bali and Singapore that was supposed to start on May 4th 2021 has been postponed.

As The Bali Sun previously reported, Bali Airport authorities have officially announced that Singapore Airlines will resume the direct flights between Bali and Singapore in May 2021. But apparently, authorities from several Indonesian government institutions have decided that Bali is still unable to receive international flights because the island is not considered as an entry point for international visitors. The central government explained that the decision was made after considering the risk of more Covid-19 transmissions amid the surging cases in several countries such as India, Pakistan and Philippines.

(Image: ©The Bali Sun – I Wayan Yatika)

The Public Relations Manager of Singapore Airlines, Glory Henriette said that the plan to reopen international flights between Bali and Singapore must be postponed until further notice. Despite the travel restriction, Bali Airport is still allowed to receive international cargo flights for transporting logistics. Meanwhile Bali tourism analysts, Puspa Negara admitted that this policy has caused major disappointment to the tourism sector in Bali. “This is obviously not aligned with the plan to reopen the international travel corridor this year, it doesn’t make any sense.” Negara said on Monday (3/4). He also explained that it is strange that the central government is still allowing Kualanamu Airport in Medan North Sumatera to receive international flights, despite the recent scandal about selling thousands of used rapid antigen tests to their passengers, but still reluctant to allow Bali Airport’s international terminal to operate.   Bali Another Day, Another Adventure♪Play Video

(Image: ©The Bali Sun – I Wayan Yatika)

Negara has also urged the Tourism Minister, Health Minister, Transportation Ministers and National Covid-19 Handling Task Force to explain their reason to revoke permission on allowing international flights in Bali. “It’s strange that the Indonesian government decided to ban any international flights to operate in Bali while the Singapore Airlines thinks that Bali was qualified to resume the direct flights. I urge Mr. President to observe his ministers’ job as their policy does not align with the last President Jokowi’s statement to help Bali revive the economy by reopen the border.” Puspa Negara concluded

(Image: ©The Bali Sun – I Wayan Yatika)


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