Locals in Pejeng Village, Bali have created a unique way to promote tourism by hosting a virtual tour through the village for Japanese tourists.

Head of Banjar Pesalakan, Pejeng Village, Made Astawa has said that this program was created to target Japanese tourists. During a test period, they’ve been cooperating with ‘A2 Japan’ which is a Japanese travel agency

“We will try to propose the program to another travel agency to join ” Astawa said on Monday Oct 5th 2020 in Gianyar.

Weaving bali

The travel agency hosts interested participants in a 3 hour tour of the village.

The first hour, participants would enjoy the scenery of the village and for the other two hours, virtual visitors would see the production process of the local hand handicrafts and traditional cuisine.

Astawa also said that the virtual participants would be guided by a local Japanese speaking guide.https://b9d7d20631b111951afe8d37611174ff.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html


The guide is also responsible for promoting local handicrafts of the village especially fabric so the participants could order online to support the economy of Pejeng village.

Astawa has seen significant benefits from the program with some of the participants ordering fabric that has been made originally in Pejeng Village.

Some virtual tourists have even said that they will come to Bali once the Pandemic is over.https://b9d7d20631b111951afe8d37611174ff.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html


Astawa admitted that although the benefits from this program are small for the village right now, everything helps.

“The main goal of this virtual tour is to introduce our village to the international tourists in hopes they will come in the future” Astawa concluded.

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