The Denpasar city government has instructed the Covid-19 Handling Task Force to start rapid antigen testing of random people as Covid-19 cases began to surge recently.
The Spokesman of the Denpasar Covid-19 Handling Task Force, Dewa Gede Rai confirmed that Denpasar Mayor, IGN Jaya Negara has instructed the task force to increase Covid-19 testing in Denpasar. “During the meeting with the Mayor on Friday (18/6), he instructed us to conduct Covid-19 tests to our residents in several different places in Denpasar such as Puputan Park, Lumintang Park and Sanur area.” Gede Rai said.
This program was initiated to prevent creating new clusters of Covid-19 transmission as the cases began to surge in the last few days in the city. “This program is one of the prevention steps from the Denpasar city government to prevent the situation from getting worse like what has happened in other cities in Java such as Kudus and Madura.” Dewa Rai added.
Meanwhile the occupancy rate of isolation rooms at the Wangaya Hospital has increased to 17.3% in the last two days. He also reminds the people to keep complying with prevention protocols in order to prevent getting the new Covid-19 variant on the island from India which was claimed to be more contagious than the previous one. “We will start rapid antigen testing random people in several public areas in Denpasar by tomorrow on Saturday (19/6) to anticipate any new virus transmissions before the border reopens for international visitors by July” Dewa Rai concluded.