Dozens of non-essential businesses have been closed down by authorities from the Police Department and Civil Service Office for operating during the emergency partial lockdown.
The Head of Operations, Kombes Pol Djuhandani Rahardjo Puro confirmed that 60 non-essential businesses such as cellphone shops, jewelry shops, restaurants, minimarkets and shopping malls were closed down during their operation on Sunday (11/7) in several different locations across Denpasar city.
“All the non-essential businesses that are located on Jalan Teuku Umar, Jalan Diponegoro until Jalan Hasanuddin that were still operating during the emergency partial lockdown were closed down.” Kombes Pol Djuhandani said on Sunday afternoon (11/7). This operation was initiated to enforce the government’s instruction from the Ministry of Home Affairs Number 15 Year 2021 and the Governor’s decree Number 10 Year 2021 about the emergency partial lockdown policy.
During their inspection, the authorities gave the businesses warnings to stop their businesses from operating until the emergency partial lockdown ends on July 20th 2021. Djuhandani also reminds the people to comply with the government’s policy to avoid further fines. “We will provide a harder punishment for the people if they still attempt to neglect the rules before the partial lockdown ends.” Kombes Pol Djuhandani concluded. However Djuhandani also appreciated the business owners who voluntarily stopped their shops from operating even before the authorities began their inspections.